So what's it all about?!!

Rants about life in general, possibly some stories in my head that need to be out to give more space for the rest of my thoughts!!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

So what's it all about?!!

Hmm, the gym!! Have joined a gym in the hope of losing some weight and getting fit - a bit of toning!! Have been 3 times this week in my lunch hour (how's that for committment?!), and am going climbing on Saturday so that 4 lots of exercise in 1 week!

Does it really make that much difference to your life exercising? At the moment, I just ache! I'm trying to have a baby, and have been told that if I get fit and all that, it will help me during pregnancy, plus my tummy won't be so saggy afterwards! Which I suppose makes sense...

Why do all these stupid women in the public eye, e.g. Victoria Beckham, Jordan, feel the need to spring back into shape immediately? Do they not realise the pressure it puts on normal people? Women are then going to think its 'normal' to be that way. The impression it creates is wrong.

Right, that's me now off the soap box...and off to the gym again!!

Friday, March 24, 2006


Have just read some of the other blog's on this site. People have some pretty strong views on the world!

Is it right to impose what you think on everybody else? Fair enought, have your opinion, but do you need to ram it down people's throats?

I don't think there is anything in this world that makes me mad enough to rant about it on here (am I ranting now?!). How annoyed have you got to be to bitch about the world and the way it is, then write about it here, where frankly, not that many people are going to see it. How is that going to help your cause? If it bothers you that much, go out and actively do something about it instead of moaning!

Other people seem to use it as free advertising for whatever they are selling - fair enough! It costs nothing and you can send the link to anyone you like - good marketing sense I s'pose!

And this is my lovely fiance, Julian, with Amber Posted by Picasa

This is me (not looking my best!!) with my lovely dog, Amber, about 9 months ago when she was a pup!! Posted by Picasa

Losing my blog virginity!!

See this is what you get when something looks like it's a good idea...copying someone else!! I have Lorna and Chris to blame for this!

Have thought about doing this before but didn't know how to!

So now I've lost my blog virginity, and am writing my first post, I don't really have a lot to say!!