So what's it all about?!!

Rants about life in general, possibly some stories in my head that need to be out to give more space for the rest of my thoughts!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Its just amazing how perspective changes...

As I have previously ranted about life is not easy but its funny how quickly your perspective can change, even little things give your view point new light and your once closed thought process begins to let new light in and you feel the pressure dropping.

Everybody has their own 'deal' - the stuff they deal with, the stress their life brings and to the individual, their own problems can seem insurmountable, and sometimes they are, but mainly things are never as bad as they first appear and everything can be solved. I really think its all about mind set.

If you put positive thoughts 'out there' I believe it is more likely you will achieve your goals. I know it sounds like mumbo jumbo, but I don't care! I think its true.

So this is me, putting my positive thoughts out there -

• I want health and happiness for my family and myself
• For life to be a little easier
• To be contented with what I have and not 'want' so much.

There, that covers enough ground!

Feel free to blog your thoguhts here reader - be interesting to compare...


Blogger raindrops said...

Totally agree. Things can get tough but setting priorities and putting out positive thoughts can make them slightly more manageable.
And that perspectives change and we should accept this change in thoughts as we accept other changes in life.

11:25 am  

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